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Creating a bilingual setup

You can link multiple vocabularies together using a new button action "Go to Vocabulary". This will be useful for speakers who speak more than one language and want to connect their LAMP WFL vocabularies together. 

  1. If you do not see both languages in your Library Menu:
    1. Go to Menu > Language & Region 
    2. Select the +
    3. Select your preferred language > Done
  2. Make a customized file for each language 
    1. Select the vocab file > Customize
    2. Edit the name and description > Save
  3. Link your languages together
    1. In your vocabulary, go to KEYBOARD/TECLADO/CLAVIER 
    2. Go to Menu > Edit Page 
    3. Edit This Button with this symbol: go to vocabulary
    4. Under the Button Actions section, select Navigate to change the button action. 
    5. Select Go to Vocabulary 
    6. Select your other language's vocabulary > Save 
    7. Repeat step 3 in the other language to link back to your first language.