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Changing button function to accommodate motor control difficulties

Activate buttons on touch or release

By default, the buttons will activate immediately when touched. This allows for immediate feedback. However, if the device user has difficulty with motor control and accidently activates unintended buttons, it may be helpful to have the buttons Activate on Release. This allows the user to put their hand on the screen and drag it to the desired button, and that button will activate when they remove their hand.

  1. Select MENU
  2. Select SETTINGS
  3. Scroll down to the BUTTONS heading

Dwell Time

This is the amount of time it takes for your device to accept a location you have selected and to activate the button. For example, if you set acceptance time for .50 seconds, you must touch the button for ½ second before the button will be selected.

  1. Select MENU
  2. Select SETTINGS
  3. Scroll down to the BUTTONS heading
  4. Select DWELL TIME
  5. Choose the desired amount of time

Release Time

This is the amount of time it takes you to release a button and be able to select another button. For example, if you set this for 1 second, you must wait one second after you touch a button before you can select the same button or a new button.

  1. Select MENU
  2. Select SETTINGS
  3. Scroll down to the BUTTONS heading
  4. Select RELEASE TIME
  5. Choose the amount of time