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Using Vocabulary Builder

Vocabulary Builder is a feature that allows you to hide all the words in the app except for the ones you choose to teach. While it is a powerful teaching tool, it is recommended that the device user have some time to explore the langauge system with Vocabulary Builder turned off.

Creating a List of Words to Teach

  1. From the app, select Menu.
  2. Select Vocab Builder. The Vocab Builder window opens.
  3. Slide the On/Off button at the bottom of the window to On.
  4. Either (a) type a word you want to teach in the search window and then check the box next to that word on the list or (b) select the Quick Edit button at the bottom left of the window and type each word, selecting Add Word after each entry.
  5. When you’ve added all the words you want visible, select Done. Only buttons for the words selected will appear. When you turn the setting off, all the hidden words can be seen again.
  6. You may add words to the active list at any time. To create a new list, select Disable All from the bottom right corner.

Saving a List

At any time, you can save active words in Vocabulary Builder as a list.

  1. From the app, select Menu and then select Vocab Builder.
  2. Select Save List.
  3. Enter a name in the Word List File Name field.
  4. Select Save.
  5. “File Saved Successfully” will appear. Select Okay.
  6. Select Done.
  7. If you want to add words to a saved list, be sure to select Save List again after additional words are added.

Managing Lists

At any time, you can load a list that was previously saved or imported via DropBox

  1. From the app, select Menu and then select Vocab Builder.
  2. Select File List.
  3. Select the list to be loaded.
  4. Select Load File.
  5. Slide the Off/On button at the bottom to On to turn on Vocabulary Builder.
  6. Select Done.

To back up or share a list:

  1. From the app, select Menu and then select Vocab Builder.
  2. Select File List.
  3. Select the file you wish to back up or share.
  4. Select Copy to DropBox or Share File.
  5. Select